Huntsman relaunches I-BOND
Chemicals producer Huntsman came to us for the relaunch of its I-BOND products. We refreshed communication and developed a concept image and product video that form the strong glue in the new campaign. Looking to increase the visibility of an existing product? We boosted the relaunch of chemical producer Huntsman's I-BOND range with a playful concept visual, a product video and a host of related tools.

Say it with Jenga
What makes Huntsman’s I-BOND resins, as used in OSB, MDF, chipboard and more, so special? The lack of formaldehyde. That inspired us to devise an original brand positioning campaign with a new slogan, ‘Solutions that breathe quality’. We presented the nonharmful and harmless properties in a fitting concept visual. A father and daughter play Jenga at home. I-BOND resin is a vital ingredient in both the stack of wooden blocks and the parquet floor on which they play.
A guarantee of carefree enjoyment.

Video with cinematic feel
We bring the campaign visual to life in the new Huntsman product video. It’s the perfect tie-in with the concept. Here, we tell the story in a perfect shot of father and daughter.
Our video department wrote the scenario and shot it in accordance with Huntsman’s corporate guidelines.
Highly cinematic feel
A probe lens was used, producing a macro effect that enables very intense close-ups. Various light positions also create added depth and ambience to the scenes on Huntsman’s technical premises. That produces sunnier, more accessible pictures. We also used contrast, switching from light to dark when zooming in. That gives the piece more movement and dynamism. It also has a highly cinematic feel.
Trade fair communication in line with the concept
The I-BOND range relaunch also took centre stage at the LIGNA trade fair. We added our own touch to the graphic design and the accompanying communication.
The life-size panels of the concept visual ensured the stand radiated ‘Solutions that breathe quality’ as well as the familiar Hunstman values.

The visual was a driving force in an impressive relaunch and has now also been used in ads in trade magazines and web banners.