fired up
Who is Rf-Technologies? What does the fire-resistant solutions manufacturer stand for? How can it strengthen its name familiarity and corporate image - and so generate more leads and attract and enthuse new and existing employees?

Better name familiarity
RfTechnologies is an innovative player in the construction industry. It is active in more than 15 European countries and has earned a reputation for fire resistant valves and grating, smoke control dampers and sealing material. To boost its profile among potential employees and target groups in the industry (including fitters, engineering offices and architects) we visualised the fire at RfTechnologies.

Fervent corporate image
RfTechnologies employees are pas sionate about fire. They work hard to protect people, premises and goods against the risk of fire with innovative products. Unobstructed, fire spreads fast, like falling dominos. The solutions marketed by RfTechnologies keep fire in check.
We created a corporate visual to express the following idea: ‘We have the fire in us, but we don’t let the fire spread’. Our photo studio looked like the scene of a world record attempt for dominos.
Corporate video as HR tool
The domino flame was a recurring image in the corporate video. We presented RfTechnologies as a friendly company staffed by passionate people who create innovative products. This dynamic corporate video is primarily a practical HR communication tool to get potential employees interested in a job at the fire security specialist.
The video, which was shot at RfTechnologies and our own studio, can be watched on the website and is also used as a recruitment and information tool in other channels and at events. Check out www.rft.be.
Party atmosphere
The new corporate image (and video) was unveiled at the ‘Some Like It Hot’ staff party. It was fitting that the employees were given the first look at this sultry beach party, organised by our event team. The video was screened two times.
Everyone attended the event, which was another first. Proof that an original theme, attractive decor, interesting programme (including a DJ set by the CEO) and accomplished organisation can inspire employees and help get a corporate message across.