Roto opens doors
with new loyalty platform
Roto has a new online loyalty platform: Rotogether. The aim of the company, which manufactures window and door fittings, was to strengthen its ties with fitters, dealers and other clientele, and turn them into loyal customers. We developed the platform and took care of the communication from A to Z.

Advantage-packed platform
So how do you turn customers on to working more closely? For Roto, the market leader in window and door technology, we designed and developed the Rotogether engagement platform. The name says it all: The purpose of Rotogether is to build an online community of construction professionals and reward them for their loyalty.
With that in mind, there’s a loyalty programme at the heart of the online platform. Users can earn points, which can be exchanged for gifts and events. But Rotogether goes much further.

Cross-media communication
We created an eye-catching campaign visual to bring the target groups up to speed on the new initiative. We used it in various tools, including a brochure in which we explain the ins and outs of the platform. On the homepage we also published an animation we produced in-house to show exactly how Rotogether works. And we sent out emails to encourage existing customers to sign up.
The concept was launched during Polyclose in Ghent in January. Just for this fair we built a stand for Roto completely dedicated to the new loyalty platform. Because consistent cross-media communication is the name of the game.