Assuralia builds trust
with partner event

The folks at Assuralia have long been happy to rely on our expertise and creativity for the organisation and communication aspects of their annual event. This year was no different. We once again organised a successful event with a strong and spectacular programme, on the central theme of ‘trust’. We’re sure it will remain long in the memory...

Strong programme

Assuralia is the Professional Association of Insurance Companies. 
Every year Assuralia invites its members to a state of the industry address, with special attention for the biggest trends in insurance. 
The tagline of the 2022 event, held at The Egg in Brussels, was: It’s all about trust. Indeed, trust was a recurring theme through the programme.

Ethical hacker in the spotlight

As well as the in-house speakers, ethical hacker Inti De Ceukelaire also had a striking role. Cybersecurity is a hot item – and a big challenge for insurers. We ensured that the technical support was on point so that the 350 attendees were able to follow the plenary session.

Acrobatic display

We booked an aerial act to lighten the mood between the various speakers. Two acrobats high in the rafters performed a stylish and exciting act above the heads of the audience. The attendees understood the relevance, as it was a fun nod to the concept visual our creative teams had produced for ‘It’s all about trust’ communications.

Mingling with drinks

But the partner event was not only a hit in terms of content and style. We also appealed to the attendees’ taste buds. We wrapped up the evening with a standing reception, giving guests an opportunity to mingle and look forward to the year to come with a bite and a drink.

A staff party in Africa

As well as an event for the Assuralia partners, in June we also organised a staff party. Venue was the newly renovated AfricaMuseum in Tervuren (after closing time)

Employees and their plus ones were welcomed at Bistro Tembo, the museum’s restaurant.
This afforded them a fabulous view of the park and the stately building while enjoying a delicious standing dinner with soundtrack. We also organised guided tours of the museum. It was a night at the museum that certainly impressed the guests.

A great success, all told.